Monday, January 30, 2012

Pregnancy Is Contagious

Watch out because pregnancy is contagious! I got a call after work today from a good friend I haven't talked to in a few weeks. She called to say she was expecting. I was over the moon excited to have a pregnant friend who I love so much and will be a stay at home mom next school year so we can have play dates :) I talked for a long time comparing notes and talking about how excited we were. I then had to hang up because I had to get to yoga. Low and Behold an old college roommate is there- 10 weeks pregnant! There seems to be something in the water around here...

Of course both these girls had surprise pregnancies which is funny to me because we put in so much work to have our baby and these girls just had an oops moment. I guess some people don't need a year of hard work to increase lung function, genetic testing, and seeing several specialists to safely have babies.


  1. Pass some of that water over here please. I'll gladly drink a few gallons :)

    It will be nice for you to have someone around to share play time with :)

  2. Sending it your way, but I have a feeling in a short while you won't need it :)
