Saturday, February 18, 2012

23 weeks

How Far Along: 23 weeks and 2 days
How Big Is Baby: The length of a pomegranate.
Total Weight Gain: Around 12lbs.
Sleep: I am still sleeping well. I wake up to pee between 1-4 times a night, but after 5 months I am getting used to it. 
Movement: She is getting so much stronger! I feel her all the time and starting to feel real kicks. We have yet to feel her from the outside though.
Food Cravings: Still no cravings. 
What I Miss: Sometimes I miss chai tea, but I am really trying not to have any caffeine. The doctors say a cup of coffee or so a day is fine, but I would rather just avoid the stuff. I am sure my princess will have plenty of caffeine in her life, but as a fetus I think she can do without.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Moving and setting up the nursery as well as feeling little Peanut kick from the outside.
Milestones: Baby sleeps between 12-14 hours. Her face is also fully formed. 
Symptoms: Peeing at night. I get acid reflux on and off and my skin looks like a teenager. I have also discovered more stretch marks on my chest. I would do anything for this little girl and so as much as I would prefer not to  have any stretch marks I will welcome them and hope no more make my their body home.

Other: My belly button is pretty much flat at this point. I figure it will pop out in a month or so. I wish that along with my belly shots I took belly button shots because it is so strange to watch a inner slowly morph into an outie. Also, my husband and I read through an entire baby name book one night only to find 2 names we like. After reviewing the two potential names this morning I am not so sure about either of them.

In other news I am spending this long weekend packing since we will get the keys to our new place in 1 week. Yay!! So excited to get a new place, but not so excited to pack especially since being preggo I can't lift anything heavy which makes it harder to get stuff done.


  1. First and foremost: I LOVE BELLY PICS! Thanks for posting. You and Peanut are gorgeous! :)

    Secondly, how very exciting that you are moving into your new place in a week!! I hope that the move is easy on you and that you have a bunch of help. I also hope that the nursery set-up goes well :) I'm excited for you!

  2. Thanks :) I am trying to get as many belly pics in before I get stretch marks! You are such an great support! Hugs.
