Friday, April 12, 2013

10 Months

Oh Buggy,
You are 10 whole months today and you are growing into such an amazing person. You are physically so strong! You stand as much as you sit now! You started standing by yourself at 7.5 months, but now it seems you can stand for extended periods of time and you do it all the time! You love walking all around the house while holding mom or papi's hands, but you have made no attempt to take any steps on your own. That is okay with mommy! I would love it if you could hold off on the walking for a while!

You love to give us high five when we say, "Dame cinco!" and you still freely give kisses right on our mouths when we say, "Dame un beso!" You will also often wake me up with a slobbery kiss which is the sweetest thing I could ask for!

Things You Dislike: You are terrified of the running shower water. This makes showering for mommy very very difficult! You also really don't like getting your hair washed mainly because you hate getting water in your face and you love to tip your head down just as I am pouring water over it!

What I like About This Age: This is similar to last month, but I love how you repeat everything we do. Papi saw a dog and was telling you that a doggy says, "bark bark!" and you barked like a champion. Papi shushed you the other day because you were SO loud and you shushed him right back. I was blowing on your food this morning and you were blowing right along side of me.

New Words: What a chatter box you have become! You are still saying, "mama", "dada", "baby", "bye bye", and "num num" (food. Num num plus pulling on my shirt means you want to nurse. Num num while crawling around the house means you want table food). You have also added "happy" (although you don't really know the meaning), "agua", and "hi", and "up". "Hi" is my favorite and makes you very popular when we go out! When I shop with you in your carrier you say, "hi" to everyone that walks by. Most people are taken aback by this little person saying hi and stop to chat. When people find out how young you are they all say I am in big trouble because you are going to be a TALKER! I don't mind one bit because you have the cutest voice around!


  1. 10 months old already? Amazing! She is such a cutie, and I love that you are keeping up with the changes she's making. This will be a wonderful keepsake for her someday. :)

    1. Time is flying! I was planning on putting together a book of her first year with all these updates and pictures from the month. I can't believe that I will only have 2 more entries!

  2. I cannot believe she is 10 months!!!!!!!! This was adorable! Copycat age watchout :)

    1. Copycat age is way too much fun...just wait it will be at your house before you know it!
