Sunday, March 17, 2013


The sun has been shining in our little slice of this big world and so my blogging has slowed. It has been sunny and 80 degrees which means I am spending less time on the computer and more time outdoors. We have been spending our days prepping our soil for our vegetable garden, taking walks, playing in the park, going to the zoo, eating watermelon, eating grass (okay, that one is just Kaylee), swinging in the glider on our front porch, blowing bubbles while sitting in the grass, and playing at the river.

I am sure blogging will pick back up when the newness of spring wears off.


  1. OH how wonderful! I'm so glad you guys are getting spring weather. We're still in the 30s here, and I'm really tired of it!

  2. I am so jealous! We are supposed to get 3 inches of snow today :(

    I am ready for spring, this winter has been a rough one and I am ready to start fresh.

  3. We have crazy high house prices, we are a bad allergy zone (so much is grown here), less than ideal air quality, but we DO have nice weather!
