Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Meds

Here is my new and improved daily routine which I am hoping will keep my lungs healthy and to improve my lung function as much as possible.

AM Meds:
1. Nebulized Albuteral
2. Flutter (15-20 minutes)
3. Pulmozyme
4. Cayston (switching every other month with Colistin)

Afternoon Meds:
1. Albuteral
2. Pulmozyme
3. The gym 3 days a week and Kundalini yoga 1 day a week (not a med but airway clearance)

PM Meds:
1. Nebulized Albuteral
2. Vest 20 minutes 
3. Hypertonic Saline 7%
4. Flutter (15-20 minutes)
5. Cayston (switching every other month with Colistin)

I also take a prenatal daily vitamin, Vitamin D, and sometimes ADEK

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