Friday, June 7, 2013


The future with CF can be scary. As I have gotten older I worry more about my health and try my hardest to do everything I can to be as healthy as possible. These feelings of wanting, no, needing to stay healthy have become so much stronger since having Kaylee. I want so badly to see her grow up and I am willing to do anything I can in order to make that a reality. I have been trying to make changes to my life to ensure I stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

A few months ago I started juicing. I have a lot more energy since I started juicing which is very welcomed considering I have a busy body one year old to chase all day. The biggest improvement juicing has made has been to my digestive track. A while ago I complained about my Zenpep not working so well for me anymore, but it seems since I started juicing I have not had any digestive issues at all! Having a healthy digestive system makes life more enjoyable, but I haven't noticed a huge difference in my lungs. So I decided to tackle the lung issue next. (I am sure juicing is making a difference in my overall health including my lungs, but I wanted a more dramatic improvement)

I decided to start inhaling L-Glutathione. I ordered a bottle from theranaturals and decided to give it a try. I got the bottle yesterday, but kept chickening out when it came to actually nebbing it. I felt strange taking something that was not prescribed by my doctor, but I have done a lot of research and talked to other CFers who are on it  so I really do feel comfortable trying it. I decided today was the day. It had a mild sulfur smell and the flavor wasn't much better, but if it helps it will be completely worth it!

I will let you know if I notice any changes over the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

**I am in no way recommending or advising others to use L-Glutathione. I am simply giving my personal experience**


  1. What were your results with nebbing it??? I have a 10yr old with CF and am looking at this as well. Thanks!

    1. I am working on a blog entry to give you and update asap!! Look for it in the next few days!

  2. PS - I also saw that you gave fizzy nac a try, but do not see any follow up on that. How did it go? Thanks (again!) :)

    1. Oh, and I will add the update on fizzy NAC in the same post!!
