Thursday, May 18, 2017

CF Awareness Blog- Hygiene

I definitely don't fall into the OCD category. I am not really a germaphobe and I do lots of things other people with CF avoid due to concerns about bacteria: swim in rivers, lakes, sit in hot tubs, garden (I do wear a mask though), and volunteer at my daughter's preschool. I can't spend my life wrapped in a bubble because we all end up the same way... dead. I want to enjoy my time here.

I do keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in my purse and use it pretty regularly during cold/flu season so that might be my CF-OCD showing. I also tell people not to hang out with me when they are sick and move away from people who are clearly sick and coughing at the grocery store or library. I guess those might be weird behaviors for average people, but for the most part I don't think I am overly obsessed with avoiding germs.

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